Hey everyone I just became an owner of a wonderful female kit(no name yet)
and I have a couple of questions.  First she lives in my room(super
ferret-proofed) and I like to burn incense and listen to music.  I would
like to know if the incense will hurt or bother her, and i would also like
to know if it will hurt her ears by playing my music kinda loud(it doesn't
hurt my ears or make them ring or anything but it is a bit loud(if anyone
has a ferret that acted wierd when certian music was played e-mail me with
the story, please)).  One more question...  about snow-snorkling would it be
alright if i took her (ugg more ()'s, she is 8 weeks old) out already and if
i can about how long??
okay i'm done for now (just wait till i think of more questions heh heh)
Mark McCarraher and "Little no name"
[Posted in FML issue 1444]