I have to tell my first cute ferret story.  I got Idgie and Lisa a belated
x-mas gift with some of my x-mas money--a ferret litter pan from ferret
outfitters.  It isn't very exciting for them but I was because it would
provide more room in their cage and be easier for Idgie to get in and out
of.  So it came the other day and I waited until that night to open it WITH
THEM (which by the way my SO thought was pitiful).  So I called them in and
made a big to-do about this box.  They immediately were interested (i'm sure
they smelled other ferrets) and we got on the floor and were crawling all
over it while I opened it.  "We" got it open and the pan was overturned and
there were packing peanuts all over it and down the sides of the box.  Well
the girls just went beserk.  There were scootin' and scratchin' all over the
place.  Then all of a sudden both dove down one side and started digging to
china.  You have to understand this was digging in the packing peanuts with
a mission and I had no clue what that mission was as their two butts
wriggled in the air.  I was laughing very hard when Lisa jumped out holding
her head high with a very proud stance saying, "LOOK MOM WHAT I FOUND!!!!"
and Idgie saying, "What is it what is it???" They had stuck a free sample of
Marshall Farms Ferret food in there unbeknownst to me.  I got it from lisa
and thought I was going to be short a couple of fingers before I could get
it open.  Boy did it smell fishy and the girls were going crazy.  I put some
on the floor and Idgie started pigging out, but Lisa must have thought she
would never see anymore again and that it MUST be saved and stashed.
However, she was so excited she couldn't take the time to really go anywhere
to stash it.  So she would take one piece and move a coupld of feet and lay
it down to come running back for another.  She did this in kind of a
semi-circle around us on the floor--because you know a stash isn't good if
you only have one!  Anyway, since then (it has been two days) they have been
in extremely good moods and playing like crazy.  They still like the box
with the packing peanuts (I watch them closely and noone seems remotely
interested in eating them).  I can close them up in it and it sounds like I
have a caged beast in there from all the scratching and wrestling.  Then as
soon as one of the flaps bends in a bit they both come shooting out and then
war dance around dooking the entire time.  Gotta love the little monsters
that can be so pleased with those inexpensive and easy to get toys!
Take care everyone,
Lindy, Idgie, and Lisa
[Posted in FML issue 1443]