Jerry Jeremiah and L.K. (Loving Kindness) ferrets here.
Things have slowed down with the Gotta Dance messages lately because the
shelter mommy is ALWAYS on the computer or phone - mommy says it has to do
with the Blizzard happening in the Northeastern U.S.
The daddy is also very busy checking the DUAT in reference to the storm.
We do have some good news to report.  We received in today/s E-Mail the draft
version of the official "GOTTA DANCE" song - so when our song has been
finalized it will be sent to EVERYBODY.
No Gotta Dance mail received yesterday (mommy says it's because of the
Hope you FMLer's are sending your magnetics signs for the Gotta Dance Van,
and the educational handouts for the EXPO.
Must Go the DADDY is back and he wants the computer to check the DUAT's again
Keep watching for messages
Jerry Jeremiah & L.K.
Baby Lisa Hurricane Ferret (you two are really lame - give me that keyboard!)
Tigger & Tazzer (You never let us talk!)
Sienna Sea (ex-Monster)  (I'm ready to dance - oops the walls are moving,
crash, bang)
Sweet Sam ( Gosh talk about un-coordinated)
Randy - Skins (O.K. nobody panic Sienna Sea just knocked herself out - I'll
do the artifical resperation (can't spell but can do))
[Posted in FML issue 1443]