So, while ambling about my apartment when i had a few friends over last
night, i was holding Potpie in my arms and stroking her.  I commented to
one of my friends, because the resemblance struck me, "Hey, I wonder if I'd
make a good Bond flick villain," as the way i was strolling and petting the
ferret (and the nice, calm way she was lying in my arms) really strongly
resembled all of those Bond villains who run around being suave, wearing
white silk gloves, and petting a cat or something.  My friend retorted,
"Yeah, the evil ferret woman!  Bond would turn his back and you'd run away
to hide all of his toys!" while miming the ferret theiving behavior.
Needless to say, we all lost it, but i think it'd be an excellent role.  :)
Melissa and the movie stars
    Melissa Litwicki                                    [log in to unmask]
    Radio Controlled Operation In Vivid Six Ways Of Movement With Reality!
[Posted in FML issue 1431]