Dear Fellow Ferret Lovers,
This is my first posting to the FML and I have been receiving it for only a
week.  I must say that I have been enjoying everyones articles and have
learned a lot about my little ones ( Rufus and Lucy ), who I have owned for
1 year now.  Most of the time I feel like they own me but that's besides the
point!  I have a tip on bathing and a couple of general questions about
ferret health.
While this may sound a little weird, I have a little routine that makes
ferret bathing very easy.  I simply bring the ferrets into the bathroom and
take them into the shower with me one at a time.  This may sound a little
"dangerous" if you know what I mean, but I find that they seem much more
comfortable being in the water with me holding them than when I used to give
them baths.( Maybe they think that I'm as miserable as they are in the water
and you know what they say about misery loving company?!) Anyway , a little
baby shampoo is what I use and towel drying is the preferred method of
getting off the excess wetness.  Then I put down towels, let them out of the
bathroom ,and watch the show before going back and finishing my own shower.
By the time I'm done I usually have two fluffy, rambunctious buddies tearing
around the apartment.  This method has turned bathing into quite a
pleasurable experience.
Since this posting is too long already I'm gonna leave it at that.  Best
wishes to all those sick fuzzies out there---- get well soon.
Kevin, Rufus( aka Bubba) ,and Lucy (aka Baby)
[Posted in FML issue 1443]