Hi All!!
I hope everyone and their fuzzies are having a good week-end.  Today my
husband and I went shopping for some things for Stubby.  We found a pet shop
only 5 blocks away for our apt.  Anyway the lady who works there(very
helpful!!!!) said she heard from someone that Iams kitten food causes tumors
in ferrets.  People I know that have ferrets feed them Iams and haven't had
a problem.  I'm really just wondering if anyone else has heard this and if
there is any truth to it At the same store they are starting to carry more
ferret products(she is ordering somethings for Stubby).  Well she gave us
ferret treats to see if Stubbt likes them.  Right now we can't get him to
ever smell them!The same company who puts out the treats also makes a ferret
food.  I've never heard of the company.The food is Marshall Essentia Ferret
Food (something like that) all I know about it is it is not pellets,it looks
like the Iams food.  If anyone has any info on this food (and products thay
have) please feel free to e-mail me with the info.
Sorry but I almost forgot!Does anyone know of a vet in Denver?  Stubby lives
in Capital Hill and doesn't have a car.Most of the address' I've got for
vets that know about ferrets are far south.
Thanks so much for your help!!!!
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[Posted in FML issue 1438]