Here's an update on Amber's condition.  We just came back from her vet's and
the news is better than expected: she's coming back like Gangbusters (as
much as she can with adrenal tumours and insulinoma).  Here's how the fluid
removals have gone:
Date              Amount Removed                    Weight
10-11-95          95cc                                    734 gm  before
10-19-95         125cc                                    860 gm  before
11-02-05         150cc                                    727 gm  after
11-25-95          35cc                                    656 gm  after
 1-07-96           7cc!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!       734 gm  after
Thank you for all your help: the recipe for Duck Soup, the encouragement,
the good thoughts, and the prayers!
She was even nippy toward my SO (now *that's* unusual -- she rarely nips at
all) and wanted to explore the ENTIRE waiting area -- inlcuding the
Harelquin Great Dane.  Maybe she wanted to see if a Great Dane can jump as
high as a Doberman.
[Posted in FML issue 1438]