We are and will continue to remain members of FURO.  I'm just trying to
put an ubiased assesment to answer a query.  It is of course merely my
FURO as a group seems to be in a bit of a decline.  John Armshaw in NC is
currently president.  Fara Shimbo in Colorado was the guiding person for its
strongest period.  She still does the _Weasel_Help_Quarterly_.  In my
opinion most of her writing is among the very best in the ferret groups -
though I wasn't fond of her whiny assesment of other ferret periodicals.
Fara's books, _Reproduction,_Development_&_Inheritance_In_the_FERRET_ (with
Mary Maday.  the best book on ferret breeding I've come across) and
_A_Tao_Full_of_Detours:_The_Behavior_of_the_Domestic_ferret_ (only lay
person book on ferret 'pscychology' I've read) are two very good books.
Highly recommended.  The _Weasel_Help_Quarterly_ is among the best ferret
group periodicals - one very annoying editorial which seemed nothing more
than sour grapes excluded.
The registry is not very complete.  With the competing factions in the
ferret world there is not a very good registry yet.  I and some associates
are putting together a registry oriented for the needs of breeders - I'm
computerizing an existing card based file.  I mentioned that for full
disclosure.  FURO put out one book containing its registry entries years ago
but is extremely late in a promised update.  They call it a stud book though
it contains any ferret not just males.
In the show world FURO appears in its decline.  Only one or two shows a
year.  John talks of rejuvenating it however.  The AFA used to use FURO
sanctioning but was displeased at some things and has gone out and developed
its own sanctioning system.  FURO's system is the most complete as far as
ferret colors and patterns goes but has other problems.
Joining or not depends upon what you want out of a ferret group and your
budget for joining groups.  We are very complete in what we join.  We are
now working on local groups out of our area.
bill and diane killian
zen and the art of ferrets
[Posted in FML issue 1437]