Hello!  I just joined this group, and wanted to say hello, along with my
little buddy KoKo.  Koko is quite a hair chewer and is an 8 week old female
sable.  She loves to ride upon my shoulder, thus the hair chewing.  :) We
have an 8 week old black kitten and the two are now inseperable.  It was fun
watching the two of them at the first meeting..  Blackie (hehe..  original,
eh?) our kitten had never quite experienced anything like KoKo, or vice
versa..  after some rough and tumble play, they now love to attack one
another, and although koko is not equipped with the same type of claws, she
more than makes up for it with her teeth.  (which koko uses without
prejudice on Blackies feet and underbelly.)
I am saddened by all the postings of sick and dying ferrets on this group.
My heart goes out to all of you.  I can't imagine living without Koko now...
Thanks and DooKS!
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Eric D. Scheck, EMT/P
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koko, (ferret by association and smell only.. :)
[Posted in FML issue 1437]