Hello everyone, I just wanted to provide what looks like another successful
adrenal surgery.  Idgie had her left one removed.  The pathology report
couldn't find anything wrong with it so we are keeping our fingers crossed.
She has a VERY fluffy tail now and hair has sprouted and is growing well on
her back and belly.  She plays and dooks just like previously and seems to
be doing very well.  I would like to go on record thanking Kelleen and Carla
for helping me find a vet and being so encouraging.  Kelleen I am glad to
hear that Lightstar is doing better.
Someone asked about traveling with a ferret after surgery.  Idgie spent one
night at the vet and then we drove back to Missoula, Mt from Moscow, Id
(approx.4.5hrs).  I had a hammock for her and she just slept all the way.  I
made sure she could reach food and water without having to get down.  She
was very sore and had restricted movement (i.e., couldn't stretch all the
way out) for about 5 days post-op.  Therefore, I kept her in the smaller
cat-carrier where it was easier to get in and out of the litter box.  She
got lots of vitamins, and linatone, and I made her dry food into wet mush
with chicken baby food added, and fed it to her by hand twice a day for
probably 14 days.  I am still making sure I give her some of that at least
once every day (stopped with the chicken).  She has put on some weight but
not enough for me.  I think we are now basically competing to get her to eat
her dry food, but a little linatone on it seems to help.  I hope this helps
some other little munchkins approaching adrenal surgery.
A couple of other quick notes.  I read on here about taking a bath WITH the
munchkins instead of giving them one (i.e., doing something to them) to
help calm them and I tried it and IT WORKED.  They were much more calm.  I
was amazed.
To Sage from Idgie and Lisa: we know how you feel.  Our mom and dad gave
colds to each other and to US.  We just got the typical sniffles and a few
coughs but are already feeling better.  Yes, I can kick your butt even with
a cold Lisa.  Nu-uh Idgie, you cannot, I'm just not interested in playing
with your ole skinny-butt and that's why you can always wrestle me until I'm
flat on my back.
Jay:  I absolutely loved your waterbed story.  I can see the little
monsters planning it together.
Take care everyone, and have fun with those little furry innocent-eyed
[Posted in FML issue 1435]