I have wanted to be owned by a ferret for years.  I now live alone in a
VERY small apartment and do not want a cat/dog, but do not know if a ferret
will fit in my apartment/lifestyle/budget.
I work at home on the computer (mostly via the Internet), so I will be
around most of the time.  After reading several issues of this mail digest,
it occurs to me that a ferret might, no, WOULD get into everything.  And it
seems that there are MANY health problems being talked about here.  Lots of
comments/concern/trouble with biting.  Pet store vs breeder?  The only
ferrets I've located here are from pet stores (I think they get them from
New York).  kit vs adult?  The ferrets available are kits 6-8 weeks old.
BUT, there is lots and lots of fun stuff about ferrets and that is why I've
always wanted to be around one.  I've owned many cats and dogs before.  I've
had rabbits, fish, turtles, lizards, snakes, frogs, even a horned-toad
(before they were illegal), and a tarantual (sp) spider.  A number of these
were adopted from owners that given up because their pets were so unruly and
out of control.  ie.  an out of control, untrainable 150# Malamute that 2
months later was the most well-behaved animal I ever shared my home with.  I
think I have the commitment and mentality to make a good home for a ferret,
but I have NO experience and don't want to be dissapointed in a couple of
I've read the comments about reading the FAQ first and I have scanned it,
but don't seem to get a TRUE feel for being a first time ferret owner.  I
also don't really have time to do my work (this is the busiest time of the
year for us) and be able to read the entire daily ferret digest.  I'd like
to make a decision this weekend.  Other pet options I'm considering:
        Hamster: Cute, furry, not much interaction
        Gueanie (sp) Pig: Cute, furry, not much more interaction
        Hedgehgog: Cute, bristly, interation unknown
        Fish: nice to look at, slightly more entertaining than TV
Really!  Can someone please resond to the following questions:
1) How hard is it to Ferret-proof an appartment?
2) How ofter would you expect to take a ferret to the vet?
3) How hard is it to train most ferrets not to bite?
4) If I can't find a local ferret breeder, how many problems will a petstore
        ferret pose?
5) Is there a proplem being owned by a kit as the first ferret in my life?
I will be looking in the daily diget for response, but if it is not to much
to ask, can you also copy me at my e-mail address.
Thanks in advance,
Ken Loomis
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[Posted in FML issue 1458]