Been behind on posts, had a corneal abrasion-which means basically I
couldn't see nada for 5 whole days.  Gee, when I said I needed a day off I
didn't mean like that.  Since I'm back (missed me didn't ya?  yeah right)I
have a lot to say.  So hear it goes...
First of all, glad your back Bob, we all missed you.
Joe (fireplaces) - bet he's weary of that fireplace now!  Don't feel bad,
things happen and we learn from it (at least we are supposed too).  My two
never go near the fireplace when a fire is in it - I guess they feel the
heat and stay away.  But I always watch them when we have one.
Shanon and Mitch (Bitter apple/lime) - I've watched a ferret who actually
likes the stuff.  Try using a can of Dog/cat repellent - it doesn't have as
much of an alcohol smell to it.  Let us know the results...
Bill (hyper ferret) - don't worry Cedric is normal.  Just a baby...expect
that type of behavior.  Yes your baby will grow out of it and believe it or
not you'll miss having sore toes in a year or two :)
Rubber balls for ferret's - I've seen them.  Even own a few.  BUT, in my
house, they are supervision only toys.  I didn't like the size of them.  I
think they are too small.  So after a few visits to arcades around here I
have found a few that are bigger so my fuzzies can't pick them up or bite
them.  Still, as a normal paranoid mommy, they are supervision only toys.
Makes them more interesting anyway.
Diane - my baby's have their own room.  I leave their cage in there so they
can have use to all that is inside.  I have a piece of plexiglass to block
the door (one for the carpet too for my little digger) so they can see out.
I generally leave them out when I am home and awake.  Sometimes I may let
them roam while I am asleep, depends on how good they have been and what
mood I'm in.  Anyway, in their room I have - all my crafts (in Rubbermaid
containers or out of reach), a futon (for guests - also doubles as ferret
hidey-hole), my hamsters (way out of reach), shelves of books (a library's
worth), and all their junk.  Basically it's ferret proofed and they like
having somewhere to play and not be locked up in their cage.  Any more
questions, email me please.
Regarding litterboxes, one of my ferrets is totally litterboxed trained
while the other will go anywhere else BUT the litterbox...except when he's
in the cage. <sigh> oh well, can't have everything.
Glad Tasha's doing better.  Dooks and lots of kisses plus ferretone to all
fuzzies who are sick.  BIG, sorry this so long.  I feel extremely guilty,
especially after reading your comments about the size of the FML.  : )
Gumbi & Duncan
[Posted in FML issue 1458]