How do people know our home is a ferret house?
EASY!  On our front door is a sign that says:  Ferrets loose in this house!
Anyone who can't deal with this need not ring the bell.
A question:
We received a flyer in the mail from a group called The Fund for Animals
based in New York City.  In it they state that our DEC is eleiminating the
permit system for beavers,bears and Ferrets (yes, lumping them in with wild
animals).  They are against this.  Does anyone know what they are talking
about in this?  Do they mean permits to trap?  In NY state, we are required
to have a permit to KEEP ferrets and we just got our new ones with no
mention of its elimination.  Has anyone else gotten one of these flyers in
the mail?  Since the other animals mentioned are wild, is Fund for Animals
just confused?
[Posted in FML issue 1458]