Please HELP ! I recently bought a playmate for my 1 1/2 you neut. male.
They get along great but the problem is although Rascal was very good at
always using the litter-box,in the time it took to train Taz I think he
untrained Rascal !
I have tried everything to retrain him but to no avail.  The funny thing is
Taz is flawless in his litterboxing.  I've tried separate boxes with a
little rascal poop in one and Taz poop in the other.  I need suggestions
before my roommate insists I make him into a hat or coat.
This is my first posting being new to the FML.  I would like to say that is
is great to know that there are so many other ferret lovers in the world.
Ferrets are a bit of an oddity here is South Carolina.  Also, if anyone
knows of breeders or a good vet in the Charleston area I would love to hear
about it.
Mark-([log in to unmask])- pooped out
Rascal- Still pooping out
Taz - pooping in
[Posted in FML issue 1458]