Hello All,
I read with interest the post about Timon getting in the fireplace with a
burning log.  Man, my ferrets are so interested in climbing in the fireplace
without anything in it, that I wouldn't dare put in a log or light a fire.
Also, imagine the ferrets dooking through the log ashes later!
There is another part of the fireplace that can be a danger to ferrets.  My
fireplace has an opening about 2" that runs along underneath.  I think this
is the air vent or the flue or something.  Anyway, my friends Kevin and DD
(of the Brevard Ferret Rescue, shameless plug!) helped me block the space by
using wire mesh which Kevin just folded in the space to secure it.  Before
the space was blocked off, the ferrets would crawl in and disappear from
sight, even when I looked under there with the help of a flashlight.
The wire mesh also worked for blocking off the bottom of the refrigerator
from the nosey Courtney who insisted on sleeping in the back of the
refrigerator with the motor.....
I also have books shoved under the stove to block that, and sandwich size
tupperware containers worked wonderfully for those "ferret nose size holes"
at the corners of the bottoms of the kitchen cabinets.  I have used boxes to
block off the back of the dryer (the addictive dryer hose) from my climber,
Tiye.  I first used books in an inverted pyramid, but she easily scaled
those, so a cardboard box (taller than she can jump and grap the top of),
with some books for added height did the trick.
Kathleen (Mr. T, "zzzzzz"
          Zoom "how do you think I got my name?"
          Courtney "drats, outsmarted again!"
          Tiye "Mommy, come save me.  I climbed the
                closet wooden slat door and I forgot
                how to get down"
          Auryn "I'm too cute for words and I know it")
[Posted in FML issue 1457]