>They squirmed and squirmed and squirmed, tickling me all the while.
>Finally I caught them both and held them up so we could have a
>nose-to-nose chat about things.
I've tried letting the critters loose on weekend nights (just out of
curiosity) and it never works out.  They get so excited about being out and
about, and have so many more things to explore, they usually wind up having
a poop fest under the bed.  Also, they continually climb into the bed to
take naps, snuggling up against me, which wakes me up when I roll over (and
doesn't make them too happy when they get accidentally kicked out on the
floor!).  So sleeping in the bed is out.
However, I discovered by accident that during that pre-sleep digging,
licking, and chewing phase, they simply are being restless and indecisive
about WHERE to curl up and nod off.  When I am stretched out on the couch,
watching TV, one of them will come up and start fussing about, digging into
the couch, digging into my leg, licking my ankle, roaming back and forth,
etc.  I know that means it's time for a nap.
I simply grab the little monster (whichever one it happens to be) and firmly
hold her still (usually against my neck) for a few seconds.  As soon as I do
that it takes the responsibility of where to sleep away from her and she
conks right out.  Works every time.
(Then I have to spend the next hour or so in the same position while she
periodically re-arranges herself on the side of my face during her nap!
It's kinda cute though when the tip of her snout lands on my ear -- then I
can hear her smacking her lips and tongue and all the little squeaks and
squeals she makes while she is dreaming!)
[Posted in FML issue 1456]