If you receive especially offensive mail or are harrassed by someone via
e-mail, relieve can sometimes be obtained by forwarding a copy of the
offending material along with a state of your complaint to the "Postmaster"
account at the site from which the maiol originated.  So if you get a nasty
letter from
        [log in to unmask]
you would send that mail and a complaint to
        [log in to unmask]
Bigjerk might lose his account.
Dale Miller, University of Pittsburgh  |The above opinions are my own...
[Moderator's note: It would have to be illegal or *extremely* offensive for
most "postmasters" to act on it though.  Many do indeed act when warranted,
but petty insults between bigjerk accounts are not something most will get
involved with.  "I'm a programmer, not a psychiatrist!"  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 1456]