To Gary H:
I suppport your statement about the ferret who starved to death because it
wouldn't eat anything else.  I had a similar experience (tho not deadly)
with my very first ferret 11 years ago.
I was feeding Mickey Meow Mix (I know, I know, I do better now!) and the
company changed the formula.  He wouldn't eat the new formula.  Fortunately,
I had a big bag of the old Meow Mix, so I had a little time to play with.
I tried every food on the shelf, but he didn't like it.  Then I started
thinking more scientifically - I looked for a food with the same shape and
the same 3 flavors - DADS fit the bill and he liked it.
My ferret education has come a long way since then, and I feed better
quality foods now, but I BLEND!  Totally Ferret, 8 in 1, Nature's Recipe,
Proplan, Marshall's Premium Ferret Diet, Iams Lamb and Rice.
I agree with you, Gary, that feeding different foods makes them more 'open'
to trying to new foods.  When I want to introduce a new food, I just ad
a few pieces (3 or 4) to their food dish.  If they eat that ok, then I ad
a few more pieces, and gradually increase the number of pieces until the
mix is equal again.
Debbie Riccio
Western New York and Finger Lakes
   Ferret Association
Rochester, NY
[Posted in FML issue 1456]