Yesterday evening we found a new way to amuse our ferrets.
It was late in the evening, and the "kids" were up and playing when our
power went out.  We starting stumbling around trying to find the flashlights
and light the few candles we have.  The ferrets, however, took a moment to
size up the situation and decided it was *really* neat-o!  They were tearing
around the place, dooking and war-dancing, and occasionally running into
each other.  Mina seemed to think she had become invisible.  She would
war-dance up to me, "attack", and then instead of running far away as she
can like she usually does (so I can't "retaliate"), she just hopped a few
jumps back and looked at me mischieviously.  Silly girl.  She got so
surprised and angry when I knew exactly where she was.
They played themselves to exhaustion, but even then they refused to go to
sleep - they just didn't want to miss any of the fun!  And we were grateful
that we had some entertainment during the blackout (it was out for about 3
Now we've decided to stage some "blackouts" for them periodically, since
they enjoyed it so much!
Chris and Vanessa
Mina and Josette (the kids)
[Posted in FML issue 1454]