I was not aware of the nature of the flames and what happened (I would like
to know since I missed a digest, if that is O.K.).  I think however, that
flaming someone obscenely, or abusively is plain wrong.  I don't care what
was said or how.  If you want to disagree fine.  If you want to state your
opinion, great.  If your opinion differs from someone else's or you want to
critizise someone, abuse has no place in an intelligent and thoughful
exchange of ideas.  It's juvenile, moronic and shows a lack of respect and
tact.  Just because opinions may differ that is no reason to turn into an
abusive child throwing a temper tantrum becuase they did not say "yes
sir".(and like mother used to say"I don't give a d***n who started it) How
utterly disgusting!  I thought FML was above this!  I hope that the offended
parties continue to post to FML and ignore these juveniles!
Selena Simonetti
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[Posted in FML issue 1454]