Paw Paw just came dragging back in, looking very tired.  He's been real busy
doing something called work for the last couple of days.  Mee Maw said that
yesterday was something called a 'holiday' but Paw Paw didn't get one.  I'm
not real sure what it is that my Paw Paw does when he goes away from the
house every day, he told me that he's an Electrician; but I don't really
know what that is.  He says that he has to do it so he can buy me raisins
and Ferretbytes, so I guess it's OK..  All I know is that his boss called
and said that this big customer got in all this new stuff for their plant
and that Paw Paw had to come make it work as soon as possible.  Well,
yesterday, Paw Paw told Mee Maw to save him some black-eyed peas and collard
greens 'cause he had to go check it out.  BTW ( did I get that right?)
black-eyed peas are really neat!  Collard greens are yuckky - they taste
Anyway, Paw Paw came home for dinner tonight, wrote a couple of short
letters, and went back to work.  He came back home a few minutes ago, saying
there wasn't no way in heck that he was going to work all night!  I'm not
sure what that means either, but he didn't seem to like it much and Mee Maw
agreed.  He gave me some raisins and played with me with some of my neat
Christmas toys for awhile.  Then he said, "Night Tater, night Mee Maw;
kissed us and laid down.  The last thing I heard him mumble was, "Hey,
little guy, did you thank everybody for your neat Christmas stuff?"
So here I am, saying thank you.
Those of you who read my letter to Santa know what I asked for.  I think I
got everything on my list.  Lonely ferrets got visited or adopted, people
who had lost their ferrets got comforted, sick ferrets got well - and all
kinds of other neat things happened.  I think that Santa is my kinda guy.  I
like Christmas.
Paw Paw sorta fussed at me when I didn't ask Santa for any toys for myself.
I told him that the other things were more important to me.  Well guess
what?  I got stuff to play with too!
I won a special prize in Kelleen's contest and she sent me a whole box full
of goodies.  There were all kinds of things in it.  They were really neat!
I think my favorite was the Top Paw catnip toy.  It's really wierd looking.
It's black, gots lotsa stars and planets on it, has a jingly bell and smells
kinda interesting.  Thor tried to steal it from me but I jumped on his back,
bit his neck, and rode him around the room until he let it go.  I ain't
lettin' no cat steal my stuff.  Nosiree!
One thing I got I'm not so sure about.  It's this long streaming thing.  Paw
Paw & Mee Maw like to swing it around my head and it scares me.  I guess I
just haven't figured out the best way to kill it yet.  It had better look
out when I do, though.  I'm going to get that sucker!
The cats and me also got a lot of nice things to play with from Mee Maw &
Paw Paw.  They all look pretty much the same so Mee Maw wrote our names on
them.  A lot of good that will do - cats can't read.
Guess I'll have to go now.  I can hear Paw Paw snoring pretty loud from the
bedroom.  I have to go in there, bite Mee Maw on the toe, and laugh when she
swats Paw Paw a good one.  Paw Paw will say, "Yes dear," and roll over.
They sure are cute for a couple of old folks, but I love them.
Luv and dooks to everybody from,
[Posted in FML issue 1432]