We did away with our litterpan a while ago.  They would use the litter box
once or twice, and then it was contaminated in their eyes.  If the pan
wasn't cleaned out to their liking by the next "urge", they'd go right
beside the pan.  Once that got filled, they'd find a new place, usually
nowhere near the litter box.  This got to be a problem because both my
husband and I work all day.  Needless to say, we came home to a lot of
presents each day.  I tried to outsmart them and place paper towel under the
box so that their misses would be easier to clean up, and they took to the
towels immediately.  They would never go in the litter box anymore, but
rather on the paper towels around the box.  So we eliminated the box and now
we have paper towel down in their prefered corners.  Cheaper too, I think.
I get the cheap rolls, usually about 6 rolls a week (@ $.50 a roll) and I
use 4 sheets for each corner, folded in half so its 2 sheets, doubled.  I
change it once in the morning, once after work, and depending on them, once
before bed.  So far, so good.  Plus there's no litter to play with, or clean
up from the carpet.  :-)
Hope it works out for you.  He might not like the feel of paper on his feet.
I know ours won't go on newspaper.  Paper towel is soft and warm, so maybe
it will work.  I'd throw a little piece of poop on the back corner to give
him an idea of what he's supposed to do, but he should have an idea,
especially if he's been using that particular corner already.
[Posted in FML issue 1453]