Can we just quit?  It's like, to read recent FMLs, there's this whole
conspiracy of nasty hate mail flying around behind everyone's backs.  Some
people carry discussions (and disagreements, of course) off the list, but
then to report back with the ominous "someone on this list is full of pure
hatred and is conducting a major flame war" is nearly as anoying as the
flames themselves.  More so, because for those 'Net addicts who enjoy a
good flame war now and then, feels kinda like your missing the
party. :-)
Please don't bother to tattle back to the list if someone you met here is
in a knock-down drag-out argument with you...just either delete messages
off the list or carry on gleefully in private.
Laurel, who, for one, is sick of the "I can't believe someone on here was
so mean to me" posts.
Laurel Gilbert, Am Cult Studies
[Posted in FML issue 1453]