My SO and I have been reading through the FML stuff and have seen people
mention (on both newsgroup and newszine) that kits need canine distemper
shots at 8, 11, and 14 weeks.  Now, the store we got Molly from said that we
didn't need to get her more shots, and the vet (who specializes in small
animals, etc.  etc.) whom they work with and who gives all the medical care
to the store pets and saleable animals gave Molly the shots.  Now, we called
up the vet because Molly persisted in having sniffles a few days ago, and
the receptionist told us that she needed two more distemper shots, and a
rabies shot on the 31st.  We didn't speak to the actual vet.
Now, who is right?  The receptionist or the store?  Could the vet have given
Molly a different type of distemper vaccine?  The store's staff seems very
knowledgeable; they get all their animals from reputable breeders in the
area and take impressively good care of them (the very best I've ever seen
in a pet shop, and better than a lot of owners).  The manager, who was the
one who told us that she didn't need another distemper shot, also owns
ferrets, and gave us a lot of information, etc.  etc.  I know it sounds
horribly suspicious and just plain horrid of me, but could it be possible
that the receptionist just wanted our money for the practice?  Molly had the
sniffles and already had a Moxy---- whatever shot (for her cold) from the
vet before we bought her, but the receptionist said we should bring her in
right away so that the vet could take a look at her and probably give her
another shot.  We called up the store manager for her opinion (since Molly
had been convalescing in her care after the visit to the vet), who said that
the receptionist was being excessive and that Molly would be fine, since she
seemed to be recovering nicely.
Molly is quite okay now, the occasional sneeze or two (it may just be dust
around hidden (exciting!) nooks in the furniture), and terrorizes our
friends when they come over, but her humans are quite confused about the
whole situation.  Any suggestions?
  Molly:  "Toes!! WAAAAARGHHHHHH!!!! <chompachompachompa>"
  Anna: "No. No. No. No. No. NO. No. Mollyyyy!"
  Martin: "Isn't she cute?"
  friend #1: "Ack! She's eaten my socks!"
  friend #2: "Eee! My dice! Someone catch her!"
  friend #1: "There goes my pen too."
  Martin: "I guess we'll have to dig under the couch when she's back in her
          cage.  But isn't she adorable??"
  Anna: <rolls eyes at adoring ferret-papa>
  Molly:  "Heheh... first the dice, then the pens, and then.. the WORLD!!
[Posted in FML issue 1453]