At 7:00pm 1/20/96 FFDRI moved from Disaster Alert to Disaster Response due
to serious flooding in PA.  E-Mail and phone calls have kept us extremely
busy - therefore we were unable to post yesterday regarding the situation.
As time permits we will endeavor to keep you up-to-date on what is going on.
However at this time we request (BOY IS BIG GOING TO HATE THIS) that BIG do
a posting when he has time (as BIG is receiving all Disaster Response post)
and let you know what is going on.  We would not ask this of BIG if we
weren't so busy.  Also we apologize to him in advance for any inconvenience
we may cause.
Chere McCoy
Director Ferret Friends Disaster Response International
[Moderator's note: Well, I didn't get much stuff actually and I don't check
AOL mail often, but I can say that the flooding in the mid-atlantic states
certainly appears to be serious.  Pam Grant, Ann and Howard Davis, and
others anywhere near the area are ready to help.  Jodi & Steve Schroth of
Harrisburg - right in the middle of it all - say that some people shelters
are actually saying they will accept animals and Jodi is making the best of
things...  getting the word out to all and contacting organizations (and
even the governor).  Thus far no reports of lost animals, though some fear
the worst is yet to come.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 1452]