We're doing some better!  Blood panel came back - she's not anemic, which
is pretty surprising, since she's got a raging urinary tract infection!  A
whole lot of blood in her urine, though you cannot see it...  it's so bad,
apparantly, that its affecting her kidneys.  My Dr.  mentioned something
about possibly being prone to polycystic kidneys (?).  Rectum is looking a
lot less "angry", so Panalog gets an "A" in my book.  She's responding to
the antibiotics [with horror...  poor baby hates it so much!] which means
she's got something of an appetite.  For a while there, I thought I'd have
to resort to the trusty tube-down-the-throat trick effective with my parvo
pups.  [phew!] I'm a much happier mom today...  Haven't heard back yet from
the x-rays, but she's eliminating well.  And peeing copiously!
She still sneezes so much she'll start crying [which makes my heart ache],
and I don't know what to do but hold her.  She still lacks energy, and just
wants to be held.  Of course, this may be slightly affected by _freezing_
temperature in my place.  Having had no power for 5 days now because of
these No.  California storms has made my fridge both smelly and warmer than
the house itself!  Brrrrr.... and the other kids play so rambunctiously,
Canela has made it clear she'd rather be in a cage alone.
Hoping to have nothing but good news (and electricity) for my next post...
many snuggles to all fuzzies,
Tanya and crew
[Posted in FML issue 1413]