So, Bob, ferrets are related to seals?  Does this explain why, when I looked
at the HSUS logo recently, I was convinced that the creature depicted on the
bottom (downward facing) hand-was a ferret?  I was so amazed, thinking they
had changed their anti-ferret stance-until I looked a _little closer_!
My first ferret, Karat, had mange-the kind you get from other
people-scabies.  She got two doses of Ivermectin.  This was two years ago.
We all got scabies from a poor old hospital patient who lived in a nursing
home-you know how that spreads.  The doctors I took my kids to wouldn't even
_touch_ my kids!  They were obviously afraid they'd catch it!  Just
prescribed Kwell.  (Actually, there is something that works better that they
finally prescribed but I forget the name.)
Karat, BTW, has regrown her hair.  In March, she will show signs of coming
in heat once again, then lose her hair in the summer, and I guess this cycle
will continue even though she is spayed.  Right?  I hate to keep
re-iterating the same things-but if it were a tumor, would it be affected by
light cycles or seasons?  Of course she also has the swelling
[Posted in FML issue 1413]