Now I've really gone and done it.  I am no longer just President of F.A.N.G
and owner of 2 dogs and 9 fuzzies but I am now also a petsitting service!!
I received calls from two people desperate to find fuzzie-sitters that
would keep the fuzzies in their home and be around all the time and know
what they are doing, and I got elected!  How fun this x-mas will now be
since I will be sitting for four extra fuzzbutts for thirteen days!  Hmmmmm
13 fuzzits for 13 days, must be the 13 days of christmas not 12.  Two are
baby kits just bought and I'm not sure the age of the other two but will
soon know.  The kits arrive this next Monday nite and the others on the
20th.  Joy joy joy, fun fun fun, I will be in heaven or hell but not quite
sure which yet.  I'm counting on heaven.  Depends on if they all choose to
get along or if I will have to seperate some in the spare bedroom.  Now
dear Mommy and I have to take down the bed in there and move it downstairs
so they will all have tons of room to play in.  It's an added bonus that I
will actually be receiving money to have more fuzzies bounding around my
home & making me laugh.  I definitely need it to pay some bills off,
(especially since I got a &(**%(*^*%*^ ticket when I went to deliver the
little female rescues to their new home), sigh!  Just got too excited and
wanted to get there too quickly.  The two little girls are loving their new
home I am told and are now known as Betty and Veronica, must be Archie
comics fanatics like David I guess.
I am very proud to say that Pearl has now integrated completely.  There are
a few tiffs but they are usually over with quickly and no harm done.  She
comes out of the bedroom more often now and will even come visit me of her
own choosing as of today.  She still insists on her sleeping hole in the
bedroom being just for her and no other fuzzits and that is usually what the
tiffs are about.  Thank you dearest ferret GOD and all the GAF's that
listened to my prayers about this.  Pearl wants to bite Grandma and David
but never me so far, thank GOD again.  She was this way with her previous
owner too so I guess she accepted me as the new Mommy totally.  Tribble is
doing wonderfully too and is just a big old loving lug of a boy.  He is too
sweet tho Lightstar has been known to jump on him if he gets too close to
HIS momma when he is loving me (Lightstar is still the absolute loverboy of
the 9).  Other than this all is great with my fuzzlewugs and they still make
my life worth living.  Here's to all those needy ferrets out there getting
what they want most for x-mas, a wonderful, loving home!
Keep those votes rolling in for I have been able to keep up TOO easily.
Cheers and a very merry X-mas to all.  We sure do love you guys, (blush)!
         Kelleen & The INSANE Animal House
[Posted in FML issue 1412]