Funny you ask this question...  When I was in a dorm, I asked my brother to
keep little Cosmo for a month until I moved.  That month changed Cosmo
forever.  I think it was like ferret-training school.  Whereas I had little
time to play with him, mostly at night, my brother let him have free run of
the apartment day and night!  Cosmo learned to hide car keys, "investigate"
every open Dr.  Pepper can in sight (there were a lot of them), dig carpet,
open cabinets and climb into kitchen drawers, undo all litter training,
climb to the very top of the sliding glass door screen, chew a pencil
sharpener's rubber bottom (which caused quite a crisis since my brother
didn't know he could get on top of the table), pull out every extra-large
garbage bag in the box underneath the sink, AND line my brother's kitchen
floor with ziplock baggies which he got from the kitchen drawer.  It did not
take him long to establish himself a ferret condo in the empty cabinet space
in the kitchen (which held plenty of ziplock baggies, I assure you.) His
ferret condo was large with a shelf to himself and my brother and I
eventually put his hammock, food bowl and litter box in there.  It doesn't
really answer your question...  In short, I believe that my ferret just grew
more daring through the whole experience.  Cosmo, like many ferrets, gets
bored easily with the same surroundings, especially because he is an only
ferret.  Hopefully that will change soon!
Jenny and Cosmo (take those child-locks off those cabinets!!!)
[Posted in FML issue 1412]