Hi to everybody!  My name is Kim, I live near Dallas,Tx.  Im owned by a
precious 21/2 yr old carpet shark named Bunni Rabbit.  Ive been reading the
FML daily since May but this is my first post so please bear with me.  My
question is for Dr.  Williams or anyone who recognizes these symptoms.  Our
vet asked that I put out some feelers here as he has never run across them
or read about them in ferrets.  Symptoms as of Thurs Dec 7 pm:
*  severe head and body tilt to the left (read here, flops over to the left
   like a bean bag)
*  left eye closed,left lip droopy & drooling
*  left leg weaker but easy to flex, right leg stiff & extended
Exam Fri Dec 8 am:
*  xrays show small amt of fluid in left inner ear, same in right lower lobe
  of left lung
*  blood work shows CPK - double, SGPT - slightly elevated, all else normal
Rabbit's History:
*  2 1/2 yr old spayed/descented female. Up to date on all shots, last exam in
 August - clean bill of health, no major health problems to date
* she did have minor(?) nerve damage last spring when she was accidentally
  stepped on.  similar symptoms but not as severe.  this time she received
  no apparent trauma (she was asleep in the closet - no one home but me, i
  had held & loved on her about 1hr prior & she seemed fine and happy.
* this morning (dec 11)  she is a bit improved. still unable to control her
   neck and head, takes great effort to stop it from flopping.  her eyes are
   both opened,much brighter,more alert.  eating quite a bit of her regular
   food (science diet kitten) softened & drinking a good amount of water
*  she does not attempt to move around much w/in her cage and does not move
   at all if you put her on the floor or bed
At this time Dr.  Messonier is treating for inner ear infection with
Sulfatrim.  We are attempting to keep her off her left side by holding her &
propping her up as much as possible.  Of course lots and lots of extra love
and attention (like I need a reason) Is this an ear infection?  , did she
have a seizure?  , is it recurrent nerve damage?  She doesnt seem to be in
any pain so Im not frantic BUT "Mommy's Boopsy Bunni dont feel so good and
Sorry this is so long, any help is greatly appreciated.
A special "thanks"  to all the "regulars" out there. I truly enjoy your
[Posted in FML issue 1409]