I don't know if this will apply to everyone but it sure works at my
house x's 10.  I just introduced the newest ferret to our house last night
and it went as smooth as the previous 9 have.  When I bring the new baby
home it is wrapped in something that belongs to the home group<change this
word to suit your favorite vote<g>>...and don't introduce them until the new
one is sound asleep.  The others crowd around slowly as they discover the
new one and they all instantly turn into mothers.  Lots of sniffing and then
itching the new ones ghost fleas/dry skin.  Eventually the new one wakes up
but his nose has already been smelling the home guys so all still goes
smooth.  So far I have only had one case of rough introduction and that was
back before I used this method.
        Now question on color.  I picked up the sweetest baby boy last
night...this guy is down right snuggly and mellow even at this young age.
But I don't know what his color is called.  He is a cream color with a very
light chocolate mask and light brown/chocolate legs, feet, chest and tail.
He has some of the darker color guardhairs as well.  Needless to say an
exquisite little darling....and I am not prejudiced :)
        Thanks in advance for the help on color name
[Posted in FML issue 1409]