On Fri, 8 Dec Christine Code <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Anybody able to get a fuzzit to sit on a shoulder for a decent length of
time? I need your advice.
Response: Well, I'm not too sure about on the shoulder, but how about in a
hood? I know my guy (Clark) Sable loves to sit in my hood when I go out.
Sometimes he gets squirmish, but most the time he enjoys the comfort of his
peek-a-boo hide away. You could try putting his/her fav toy in there with
him/her---and bring some treats so (s)he associates hood hopping with a
positive and comfy experience.
Just a thought.
Gloria & her furries (Clark Sable, Whitey Houston & foster furries Flower &
[Posted in FML issue 1408]