To Sheena Staples:
>I didn't get even an inkling of a response the first time I posted this, so
>I am posting it again, hoping someone will be able to offer advice so my
>friend can help her ferret.
I apologize for missing this one.  However, it is getting to the point where
I am unable to get to all of my email messages.  I receive ten or fifteen
email requests on a daily basis...and it doesn't look like there are any
other vets on the FML anymore.  While I try to answer as much as possible, I
can no longer guarantee that all questions will be answered.  I pick and
choose and try to hit the most urgent questions - I usually get to most of
them, but it may be several days.
Please remember that my answering email is not a substitute for visiting the
vet.  If you think there is a serious problem, go see your vet.
>A friend of mine has a very old ferret (approx 8 years or more) that
>appears to have an odd problem.  He is blind in one eye and has a tumour or
>cyst that reappears periodically on the sheath of his penis.  He is also
>fairly overweight.  Recently he has had problems with his stomach getting
>very distended...
I think that he should go to the vet and have an examination, probably to
include a radiograph of the abdomen to find out what is causing the
distention - is it gas or fluid buildup.  Some ferrets with digestive
roblems may accumulate a lot of gas in the stomach and intestines, which
will eventually be reabsorbed by the body.  However, fluid in the abdominal
cavity signifies a much more severe problem - usually heart disease, but
occasionally we see tremendous fluid buildup in the abdomen due to the
presence of a tumor.
The preputial cyst is no big deal, nor the blindness in the eye.  But
the abdominal distention may signify a life-threatening problem.
[Posted in FML issue 1404]