Re: Please Help me...
You've gotten a lot of advice here from all sorts of folks.  Some of it I
agree with, some I don't, but that doesn't matter.  You have to do what you
think is right.  I don't think you would have ever posted here if you didn't
already have an opinion what's right and what's wrong.  Do what's right for
you and the others involved.  Doing the right thing is often hard, but there
are many who have sincerely offered help here should you need it.  Hey, us
ferret-people have to stick together.  We're special people for special
Please also be careful for yourself. Someone else said something very
true here...he treats an animal like he would treat a child or even you.
Abuse of one sort or another never seems to stop at the animal-human line.
My only word of advice is this...when we look upon the choices we have made
in our life, the hardest to look at are those where we wish we had made the
choice we knew was right, but felt we lacked the strength or courage to make
that choice so we took the "easy" choice. I believe that everyone truly has
the strength and courage to do what they believe is right and to not fill
their life with regrets.
Catch up - Ugh! 'Tis the season to be jolly....
Get swamped with work for a few days, have a holiday off, and take a
training class for a week and you have to do some pretty serious catching up
to do on the FML!  Among the hundreds of mail messages I had waiting for me,
were 15 FML's!  LOTS OF READING!  %) (Don't get too jealous...most of my
mail is either mailed to me by various computers or by people needing me to
do something for them - ie. work.)
It seems like there has been quite a few "hotly debated" topics here lately.
The holiday season always seems to either stress out people or it makes them
"merry". I've ran into a lot of those stressed-out folks lately and I think
there's been a few here as well. I think folks should remember some very
important lessons your ferret can teach you when posting here or just in life
in general:  Be happy. Enjoy life. Play often. Enjoy life with those around
you (or at least enjoy their socks). As the song goes..."Don't worry. Be
-kim, squirt (who has no regrets), pippi (who enjoys other people's socks),
atlas (Add: Eat often.), and Hijinx (Add: Nip often.)
Kimberly Burkard
[Posted in FML issue 1403]