Hello all! Just a few quick (promise) comments.
First, the Kansas City Ferret Hotline folks will be having a meeting
this coming Sunday (the 10th). If you need directions please Email me -
I'm pretty good with directions I've never *totally* lost anyone (yet).
Second just to add to the ferret natural/manufactured food debate and in
defense of Bob (who BTW IMHO should not be flamed for what has been an
interesting discussion) there is a nutrition book called "Feed Your Body
Right" -- sorry don't recall the author offhand it is finals week and I am
pretty (or not-so-pretty &) brain dead -- in this book the author discusses
natural diets and the fact that people (and animals) often crave foods that
contain vitamins and minerals they are lacking in their modern diets.  The
authors basic premise is that given free choice we all would eat what we
needed.  (hmm I wonder if my SO would buy this theory when I want ice-cream
for dinner?)
Finally to everyone out there who is having a hard time right now (I am
particularly thinking of Kelleen, Debi, and Tori Lynn) I am thinking of
you and am sending good thoughts your way.
Oops almost forgot, Deana Beek, if you need info on Kansas ferret laws
you may want to contact Tori Lynn (tle) who is on this list, or Bobbi at
Kansas City Ferret Hotline.
P.S. A note to all flamers "he who strikes the first blow has lost the
argument" -- Chinese Proverb.
                      Victoria Steel
                      Eric Fudge
    (~) ```` (~)      Spike
    / {@    @} ›      Thor
    ›    <>    /      Dobbie
      ›_ ~~ _/        Alexis
__(!!)________(!!)__  Crystal
      Dook            Nookie
[Posted in FML issue 1402]