Thanks, folks for all your nice comments about my Ferret Christmas Tail
(Gorsh, shucks, blush). I did, finally, get Gov Weld's e-mail address and
sent it to him. Does this make me an insurrectionist? (sp?).  Gawd, I hope
PS to Debi: Grab the ferrets and run, hopefully after you have
de-testiculated the bum.
To Kelleen: Sorry it's rough right now, but whoever put a price-tag on
happiness was full of it. Hang in there, girl. This too shall pass.
To Bob: I want to party with you, Dude!
To Tater: Wait your turn, little guy, I'm using the pooter right now. I know
you got your first e-mail this weekend, but wait your turn - and quit biting
my toes. Tater, Dammit!
To Mee Maw: Yes, dear. I'm signing off now. (Sheesh, what a grouch)
Dooks to all,
Michael - President and co-founder (Sandy & Tater deserve credit too) of FLEA
- Ferret               Lovers, Enthusiasts and Admirers.
[Posted in FML issue 1401]