Hey, all ferrets on FML.  This message is from Chloe, any ferrets out there
who like to watch sports?  Chloe like football and basketabll, told me to
tell all ferrets to be sure and yell for "Northwestern Wildcats" to win the
Rose Bowl.  Tell your owners to set your TV for the Rose Bowl on Jan. 1,
'96.  Chloe fav basketball team is the "Bulls" of course she love M. Jordan,
also a country music fan, love to listen to country music, like to play 24
hrs. a day, when I am home, I can't get anything done, she never take a nap
while I am around.  I have had Chloe for almost a year now, got her when she
was 3 yrs. old on Jan. 14, '95.  She is a white, red-eye albino, so much
different from my other 2 I had, she loves to give kisses and love to grab
your feets when you step out of the shower.  Chloe is a very loving little
ferret, she will set on her back legs for as long as it take for you to get
around to giving her a treat.
Kisses, hugs, bite,bite to all the fuzzies in ferret land.
Chloe (and owner, Joan)
Joan A. Crawford and Chloe, (the red eye albino Ferret)
Senior Bibliographic Editor
Bibliographic Record Services
Northwestern University Library
Evanston, IL 60208
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[Posted in FML issue 1401]