Andrea & Peanut.
We call it 'sulking'.  Orville started when he was about a year old.
Started when I brought Rajah home.  Didn't matter that he got as much if not
more attention.  He'd just stop whatever he was doing and lie flat on the
floor with this sulky little expression on his face till you went over and
cuddled him.  I've got a photo, I can prove it :) He did this pretty often
for about a month then he decided Rajah was a good thing and actually quite
fun to play with (and beat up).  He still does it occasionally, but I think
its just when he doesn't get his own way....
And it works too doesn't it!
Tanya, Orville, Rajah
& the fosteree felines, Blob and an as yet nameless tabby kitten
P.S.  I guess we were lucky.  This was the extent of Orville's
objection to Rajah - no major battles, nothing.
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[Posted in FML issue 1429]