> Pam Grant and STAR* Ferrets <[log in to unmask]>
>My suggestion is to train your ferret to come to a squeaky toy when you
>want it to make an appearance.
We've also found an infallible way to train ferrets. We arise early each
morning for work and watch the early morning news while eating breakfast.
During this period the ferrets used to run free for an hour. We would
occasionally offer a passer by a small piece of bagel or muffin.
I'm now happy to report that all four are -thoroughly- -trained- and are
sitting in my favorite chair waiting for breakfast to be served! Within a
very few minutes they have developed an arrival sequence such that there is
always at least one ferret hanging off the edge of the plate waiting to be
given a sample. I have tried ignoring them to reduce the frequency of the
visits but this generally only results in a mass attack and can result in
the loss of a complete bagel under the couch. :-)
They can also easily be "herded". I have only to start closing up the cage
at the end of exercise time and they instantly "herd" under whatever piece
of furniture is closest.
[Posted in FML issue 1429]