I just read your post about Lightstar and I can't help crying for both of
you. I truly hope and pray that things work out (to take two in such a short
time would be too cruel).
I'm a daily lurker but I have to come out of hiding to tell you that there
are two things I truly believe..
1- God, Goddess, or whatever power you believe in, does not give you more
than you can handle.  All the horrible things that happen are meant to make
us stronger and more appreciative of the joyous things in our lives.
2- What you do comes back to you three-fold.  All the love and attention
that you've shown to your fuzzies will be returned to you three times
About the person who said you were a bad mother to your the
prophet said "Don't let the turkeys get you down".  You know the truth and
those people who read your posts know how much you care for your children,
and the rest be damned.
We're praying for you and Lightstar
Melissa, Gary, Merlin ("only a dog") and Meeko (Attack ferret extraordinaire)
[Posted in FML issue 1428]