uhhhhh....mike?......get a heart man!
to those who are interested in MY opinion:
i like all the posts regarding ferrets, the happy, sad, informative, silly,
and even the stupid ones.  please people don't let one sour grape prevent
you from posting your heartfelt thoughts regarding ferrets.  it's the same
argument regarding howard stern, if you don't like him, change the station;
if you don't like a post, don't read the whole thing.  sheesh....some people
are always complaining and complicating this world, i wish they'd take care
of their own messes instead of trying to clean up everyone elses.
bernard (live, let live, let die; if you can't do such a simple thing then
it's time to take some prozac and go to sleep)
bungee (yeah dad, that's telling 'em; why i'll moidelize da bums!!)
[Posted in FML issue 1428]