Happy holidays everyone,
I just took Julia the Ferret in for her annual check-up.  No questions about
cow killing this year!  Apparently, her diet of Crave Wiskas and very few
treats has been good to her.  The vet said she is in excellent condition
(she's NEVER been sick and she's 5 years old :-).
Anyway, what with potential Ferret legalization next year in California, I
figured that I'd get Julia vaccinated for Rabies (in addition to distemper).
I figured that way, if she was frightened and bit someone, it might protect
her against being killed for Rabies tests.  Well, I was shocked when the vet
told me not to bother!  He said that since she is classified as a "wild
animal" in California, she would be destroyed even if she had been
vaccinated for Rabies.  He went on to say, for example, that a half
wolf-half dog mix would also be killed if it was vaccinated against rabies!!
Is this true, or was my vet wrong?  Any comments?.
*****    Dan Eliot, Biology/Life Science Teacher   *****
*****   El Dorado High School, Placentia, CA, USA  *****
*****  US Mail:  PO Box 1372, Placentia, CA 92670  *****
*****   E-Mail:   [log in to unmask]   *****
[Posted in FML issue 1427]