Hi All,
I've been a lurker for quite a while and have enjoyed reading everyone's
posts.  My husband and I have slowly reached the point of having 5 beautiful
 - Slinky (4 1/2) - Our first and now quite anti-social (to other ferrets)
   little girl.
 - Willie (3 1/2) - An adoptee from the Fact Shelter that was supposed to be
   Slinky's bud.
 - Baby (2) a rescue from down the street and now Willie's other half
 - Modean and Doolittle (Deany and Dooey) (4 1/2 and 2)  Our latest shelter
   adoptees that we now love dearly.
Modean came to us hairless from the neck down.  He was a Badger wanabee but
diagnosed with an adrenal tumor.  That was about 4 months ago and he's since
regrown his hair making us doubt the original diagnosis.  He just gave us a
scare by developing a bump on the side of his nose.  We feared a tumor and
had a few tense days.  It turned out to be an abcess and we are still
draining his poor cut face.
We have a ferret friendly vet but I felt more knowledgeable having read so
many Ferret Digests.  I thought I had read here that ferrets didn't sedate
well.  When the vet gave Deany a tranquilizer that knocked him out in 1
minute, I questioned the need for additional sedation.  I was just worried
about him and even hated to leave him!  The vet must have been worried, too,
because he didn't give him additional sedation to cut open the bump.  It was
an abcess and we all breathed a sigh of relief.  We brought him home the
same day and hugged him a lot.
There were tears on my keyboard reading about poor buddy.  I was feeling
the pain.  I sometimes think we love our little creatures too much!
>my question is - do people on this list have tattoos of ferrets??
When I saw the topic >Ferret tattoos< I, too, thought of the kind that go on
humans.  I tried to get my husband a gift certificate for one as a Christmas
present but the artist needed a picture of the design so he could give me a
price.  I felt Robert would want to choose a design so that's going to have
to wait til after Christmas.
                       Happy Holidays everyone and keep safe
[Posted in FML issue 1426]