Here are some tips I learned on surviving the holiday season with ferrets in
the household.
1. Buy a prickly tree.  Our Austrian pine is a magnificently shaped tree
with long stiff and VERY sharp needles.  It keeps ferrets from climbing and
stealing ornaments.  Unfortunately, it also makes for uncomfortable
decorating by the humans, and I don't look forward to removing all traces of
tinsel.  Oh well, it's back to nice soft white pine next year.
2. DON'T allow more than one ferret to help wrap presents, especially if
you've only got a few minutes while everyone else is out of the house to get
them wrapped and under the tree.  One ferret is manageable, but with two,
one will steal the tape while the other tries to get wrapped with the
present.  I can't imagine who those of you with more get anything wrapped!
3. DO allow the ferrets to help unwrap presents; the place will be a mess
anyway with wrapping paper flung about the room.  However, do remember to
move any small objects wrapped in plastic, like batteries, to a ferret-safe
location.  We'll probably never find those mounting screws...
4. Share your eggnog.
Happy Dook Year.
Linda, Richard, Joy, Belle and Caruso
[Posted in FML issue 1426]