In the post right after this one is a prayer/poem that I dedicate to my most
loved Lightstar for as of today I have received more bad news.  Just when
you start to think things will get better you get your feet knocked right
out from under you.  I have had this strange gut feeling for about the last
4 days that something was definitely wrong with Light.  There were only the
most tiny of signs that told me this.  No one else would ever have noticed
but I simply know him too well and he is the biggest loverboy I have.  My
fear grew and grew and I got him right to the vet today now that x-mas is
over and they were once again open.  The doc was great about accepting my
explanation of a gut feeling and that I wanted a blood panel, CBC and
whatever else we could do done so as to tell if there was a problem.  Deep
in my heart I knew there was but I guess I still wasn't prepared.  He felt
his tummy very thoroughly, poking and prodding but gently just the same and
then announced to me that he has a large mass in there but it is impossible
to tell what organs it may be affecting.  He agreed about the blood tests
and so drew some blood to get off in the morning with results coming back in
the late afternoon.  Then we set aside time on Friday just in case we have
to do an exploratory.  I already know that is what it will come to.  I have
never felt such fear in my life even having been in 7 car wrecks and
numerous operations and etc...  While you read this prayer please say it to
GOD so as he will hear from so many people and fuzzies that he will not dare
to take my most loved baby from me.  I do not know if I could handle that so
soon after RACY.  I hate to mention it but last nite I got a real jolt too
while reading the FML and found that the "guy" (I could choose a better
descriptive word but won't be vindictive) that wrote to me that horrible
letter telling me that RACY's death was my fault and I was a horrible person
that should never have animals and such is now a member of the dear to my
heart FML!!  Yes you heard it, and to make things worse I had just scanned
my post about RACY that I wrote the day before x-mas eve or so and was in
great pain and right below it was a post from the "guy"!  I saw a post from
him a few weeks ago but then nothing more so I had hoped it was a one-time
blurb, but I was wrong, knew I would be.  As I drove David home and then
myself home the words to this prayer just starting popping into my head and
so I thought I would share it with you all and that you could join with me
in talking to the big guy (no not the BIG GRUBER) and asking for a little
mercy in my life for I honestly don't know what will happen if I lose this
litle guy.  He is the most wonderful ferret of the 10 I've had tho I love
them all more than I could ever express with mere words.  No matter what I
will keep you all posted, THANK YOU ALL!
*          Kelleen & The INSANE Animal House        *
*          [log in to unmask]                           *
*          President & Founder of                   *
*F.A.N.G. - Ferret Association of Neverending Glee  *
*Location : Boise, Idaho                            *
*I'll take a good animal over a good mate anyday,   *
*all THEY want is lots of love and great chow!!!!   *
[Posted in FML issue 1426]