Hi, my name is Gilligan & I'm a problem ferret with a never ending bag
of tricks.
I've been living here since May(?), when my people bought me in a pet store.
I was about 1yr old then, N&D.  I prefer to keep the rest of my past a
secret, but the sales lady let it slip that I may haved lived somewhere else
My mom and dad say that I am the strongest, most stubborn, and smartest
ferret they have ever encountered :) I like to test them ALL THE TIME.  Mom
says that if she leaves the room, there's a 50/50 chance the others will get
into trouble, and 100% chance I will.  I'm so bold - I'll do whatever I feel
like, even when mom is watching.  I just have to calculate how quickly I
have to do it and the best escape routes possible.  Nothing is
Gilligan-proof for long...  I am invincible!!!
I don't play well with others.  I like to beat them up.  I try to convince
mom that Pickles & Big Guy make faces at me when they are sleeping, but she
won't buy it.  I'm even rougher with a playful participant!  I usually get 3
strikes then a time out.  After that, I usually break parole and end up
having to wait for everybody to come in before I can go and play by myself.
I've been extra mean recently.
Lately, mom's been threatening to throw me out the window more often (don't
worry, it's just a threat...she threatens the computer with it alot, too -
and it is also fine).  Between my joyful songs and dances (and beating up my
roommates) I have taken up some new hobbies.  Mostly, I spend alot of time
I rub all over the house, every piece of furniture & every inch of rug.  I
do it extra if a strange person or animal has been in the house & I'll even
do it to mom and dad if they don't pass a sniff-down test.  Mom didn't mind
that too much - so I added to the routine.  Now I like to stand on all the
outty-corners (not potty corners, the kind that stick out into rooms & at
doors).  I pretend to try to climb the walls (that doesn't suprize them at
all) and then I pee on the walls & nearby floor.  I run around and try to
get all the walls.  Unfortunately, I have this habit of tasting my pee, so I
usually get caught quickly.
Mom knows that fixed male dogs do this, but didn't know ferrets could be so
into it, too.  I'd like to know if there are any other manic markers out
there, so I don't feel so alone.  I'd also like other markers' owners to get
in touch with my mom if they have any advice for her on curbing (or at least
explaining) this vice of mine.
PS - don't worry, mom knows I try real hard to be good and loves me
lots & lots!!!!!!!
[Posted in FML issue 1425]