My name is Kenney and I'm new to the ferret list!  I've been reading and
lurking for a while now and I just wanted to come into the group.
I have a fuzzy now...an adorible silver mitt now 7 months old.  He just got
a nice new 2 story house for Christmas and he seems to enjoy it.  Although,
I had to take the corner litter box away because he was more intent on
playing with it and in it than using it!
Sully is not my first experience with a ferret, but, he is, by far, the
best.  My first was an albino named McGyver (for his adventurous
personality).  I bought him from someone and I had never had a ferret
before.  He was wonderful and had a fabulous deposition.  When he died, I
got so upset and got another ferret, again, from someone else.  His name was
Sandy and he was a sable, but, he never bonded with me and I eventually had
to give him away because of the landlord.
Now, I own my own home and Sully came to live with me when he was 9 weeks
old.  I got him from a pet shop and he is descented and neutered.  I am
convinved now that this is the only way to get a ferret...to get a baby and
raise it yourself.  He is wonderful now.  Very happy.  Very spoiled.  And
very sweet.
His favorite thing is bathtime.  He loves the water so much I have trouble
getting him out!  His favorite thing to do is dive under and pop up!
I've never had more than one ferret at one time, but, with the success I've
had with Sully, I wouldn't hesitate to get him a brother.  Or a sister.
I'd like to hear from people who have more than one raising them together.
Anyway, I just wanted to get on board.  I don't know how much I can
contribute since I am just learning things my own self, but, I enjoy reading
everyone else's comments and experiences!
I hope everyone and their fuzzy has a WONDERFUL Christmas.
I know Sully and I will!
[Posted in FML issue 1423]