A year ago I thought ferrets for the trendy choice of the rich and fameous.
About six months ago I stumbled onto the FML.  I was immediately struck by
what was a very different list the FLM is.  People talk, share, sometimes
quarrel and generally seem to enjoy one another.  The remarkable thing is
that it all happens in a civil and helpful atmosphere.  Thank you all
especially BIG who makes it all happen.
For some time now I've been wanting a pet that would replace Rascal a
Sheltie that had become a part of our home for 14 years.  He passed away
two years ago.  Since our life style has changes considerably, a dog didn't
seem to be the answer.  Suddenly one day, the answer appeared.  I found it
on the Ferret Central page.  Since then I have been reading everything I
could get my hands on regarding the little fuzzies.
I made one posting to FML regarding ferret smell and received several
replies.  I talked with a couple of folk by email on other subjects and now
I am the proud owner of a eight week old ferret we have named MeekO.  I
will report on how we are getting along in a future post.  But for now I
just want to say a big thanks to Ann Charbonneau, Melissa, Pam Green and
the others I may have overlooked.
To all the FMLers, You are doing a service reporting on the little things
that make life with fuzzies the wonderful experience that it is.  Keep it
up you are helping many people that you never hear about.  You are also
helping the cause of ferreting.
                                         Bob - another one.
[Posted in FML issue 1422]