First, I'd just like to say thank G-d for the FML, and laptop computers.  If
it weren't for the FML (I got behind reading a few) I'd have nothing to read
while my plane sits here on the runway for at least an hour,  after already
being delayed two hours.  But hey why complain, my flight was only cancelled
last night and rescheduled to today.  :(
What I've learned from Nixon:
1. If at first you don't succeed, try again.  Then if you don't succed, try
   again.  If you still don't succeed try one last time.  If that didn't
   work, turn around look as cute and pathetic as possible and someone is
   likely to do it for you.  WARNING: I think this may only work for
   ferrets.  Co-Workers and friends may just think you're strange and make
   fun of you.
2. Just being cute is an undervalued asset.
3. Sleep when you can, where you can, as much as you can.
4. Almost anything can be made into a toy.
Well, I'd sit here and think some more, but my battery just got low.
AAAAAAAHH!!!  What to do now?  I guess I'll sit and wait and think only a
few more hours untill I can see Nixon again!!!
Happy Hanukkah and Merry Christmas.
Nixon (Ok, so about this present thing....)
Ashley (Ok, so about this present thing....)
Quibby (Don't you two worry, they're mine, all mine)
Imus (Who cares about snow, I've got a heat lamp.)
[Posted in FML issue 1422]