Hi everyone, I am new to the internet and to ferrets.  I have only been
around other people's ferrets and for a very short time.  I have been
researching them and I keep coming up with more questions.  First, all the
pet stores around here have their fettets in ceder chips.  Is buying one in
those conditions bad?  Second, I know that cats and ferrets can get along,
but can they use the same litter box or do they need their own?  Third, if I
have a problem with them getting into things how long can they be in a cage
and not get mean or unfriendly.  I would give them loves but can they stay
in a cage?  And last, I have been told that they have this smell that won't
go away and your house will smell like this.  Is that true?  And one more,
is there questions I should ask the vet to be sure they know what they are
doing with fettets.  I live on an lsland and there aren't many vets here.
The drive would be at least an hour if I need to go to the main land?  I
have also been reading the FML and do ferrets get sick a lot and are the
costly?  I would appreciate any feed back on this.  I have always loves the
little fuzzy quys but I want to make sure I know what is going on before I
buy one and find out later.  Thanks.  Here is my e-mail.
[log in to unmask]     Thanks T..
[Posted in FML issue 1421]